Football tournament-FS cup

Football has taught me life lessons no other thing could possibly teach me. This tournament especially brought a sense of inner strength in me and boosted my confidence to an extreme level. Even though the win was not in our hands, which was not the ultimate goal for me at least, I learned a range of things through this activity. First is not giving up on something you like, fighting for what is yours, and not hesitating towards growth. Furthermore, I demonstrated being a risk-taker while playing the game as well as reflective after the game to understand my own scopes of improvements.

LO1- Identify their own strengths and develop areas for growth

I faced a lack of stamina during the matches we played due to the insufficient practice I had before the tournament. My weakness helped me and my team players to use me efficiently in a position where I’ll benefit the most. I was also aware of my strength of being a good defender I could block the ball easily which helped our team to stop the ball and win easily.

LO7-Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

Rules are key to any sport, I had to keep in mind all rules and play considering the ethics of the game, which sometimes slips out of my mind during the heat of the moment. And also take care that every action I posed had a huge impact on the game so choose to play wisely.

LO5 Demonstrate the skills and benefits of working collaboratively,

As football is a team sport, scoring a goal is not a one guy job so we all had to coordinate with our team members assigning positions to everyone and made sure we all played our part well in order to play well.

This experience brought our team closer as this was one of the last few tournaments left for me to play and also helped me achieve my goal by portraying my football skills during matches. The learner profile applicable here was a thinker as a team we had to think of strategies to put the ball into the goal as well as reflect on the matches we already played to improve our performance in further matches.


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