Hello, I am Kyari, a seventeen-year-old who is seeking to understand the purpose of her life. Coming from a family background of deep-meditators, I like to sit in silence, reflect and stay in solitude (I believe this makes me different from other seventeen-year-olds). Although that’s just one part of me, the other part is extremely […]
Category: Kyari Shah
CAS Plan
Proposed Activities CAS Component Learning outcomes you aim to achieve Basketball Classes A LO1, LO2, LO4, LO5, LO7 Dance Classes C/A LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4 Peace Cadre S LO1, LO2, LO4, LO5, LO6, LO7 OC in FSMUN C/S LO1, LO2, LO4, LO5, LO6, LO7 Volunteering at Garba Fest C/A LO1, LO2, LO4, LO5 Organising Global […]
Co-hosting at Entrepreneurs Deck
Entrepreneurs Deck is a student-led initiative led by a student at the University of British Columbia. The project aims to teach the basics of Business and Economics with practical implementation to students over 12 years. There were very diverse volunteers worldwide—a few from Vancouver, Delhi, Hyderabad, Hong Kong, and Dubai. There were three sets of […]
Global Odyssey
Global Odyssey was an event organized by grade 11 students on 5th Feb 2020. It was expected that the students apply their knowledge of Group 3 subjects (Economics and Business Management) into the organization of the fair which was divided into 3 parts: Food, Games, and Fashion. Along with volunteers being divided into three groups, […]
YEA! Course (Young Entrepreneurs Academy)
“Young Entrepreneurs Academy” was a course based on teaching entrepreneurship to young minds through practical implementation of the theories taught. The course was held in Mumbai on every Saturday for 6 months from July 2019 till January 2020. In this course, we had to develop an idea–could be a product or service– and turn it […]
Basketball Classes and Nationals
Basketball has always been an area of interest but have never been able to focus fully on it. The core component of IB – CAS gave me an opportunity to create new goals and concentrate on studies as well as sports. The classes helped me increase my stamina, my fitness and also learn teamwork and […]
Dance Classes
Dance was the one thing which I could never do since childhood, it was due to the chills it gave me to perform in front of public as I was under-confident in myself. However, in grade 11 CAS gave me a chance to take a stand and fight my fears by learning this art. I […]