
Physical fitness is just as important as academics. In fact, being both- physically and mentally fit helps you study efficiently. I started going to a gym to be in good physical shape and also to get some time off from academics to relax my mind. I’m doing so for the last 3 months, every alternate day.

LO2- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process-  Due to the increased academic pressure and also studies for external tests, it was hard for me to take some time out of my schedule. Hence, I developed my time-management skills during this process.

LO3- Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience – Going to the gym no matter how tired I was after the day in school was the most difficult part for me, but remembering my goals helped me push through the tiredness.

LO4-Â Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences  Going to the gym every alternate day even if I was exhausted from the day at school, or cancelling out other plans just to go to the gym takes commitment and perseverance.

Going to the gym helped me stay balanced mentally and physically and also improved my commitment.

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