Community Service

This experience was one of my best experiences as it allowed me to help under-privileged children learn about new sports and games which they are unable to play in their day to day life. It was very challenging for me as i don’t have any experience in teaching children or in that case anyone.At last i was able to understand what my teachers face everyday sympathise how hard teaching is.


Since all of them had a very low attention span it was difficult for me to teach them something new and in the right way. All the boys and girls had a very different learning curve compared with each other, boys were rather quick and easy with football.One of the biggest problems were that they all changed the sport every weekend, so it was quite difficult for us to teach anything new and we all sticked at first stage every weekend as they all changed and new children came everytime.So it became a bit boring at the end.


It needed quite some dedication as this CAS was held on weekends, and those were the only holidays available to us on those weekends and my presence was must.


We all were expected to work in groups and teach a particular skill or basic drill to large sum of children like my group taught passing and dribling and other groups taught shooting plus girls and boys were divided and it was quite difficult teaching girls and making them understand. Most us worked hard and gave full efforts to make them understand as much as possible.

Overall it was a wonderful experience and taught me many things.

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