The event of Fountainhead Model United Nations(FSMUN) was conducted at Fountainhead school. This was an educational academic activity in which students from different schools participated and learnt about diplomacy, international relations, and the United Nations through debate. To portray this the participants were allotted different committees in which they had to represent a particular country allotted to them.  I was a delegate in Lok Sabha committee and I was representing Shashi Tharoor. I had to debate and put my points forward on the given agenda which was NRC- National Register of Citizens. It was a great experience for me.


Learning Outcomes Achieved:


LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth


The event had helped me in identifying my strengths and weaknesses. For the Debating part, I had used my speaking skills to put my points forward and also used my voice modulation skills to make my speech more lively and engaging. I had also convinced the committee to agree to my points. For a person, it is important to know strengths and weaknesses because this will help one to know about his/her qualities and what area does one should focus on.


LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process


The main challenge was to research and make the points valid about the agenda. However, I was confident and I had communicated well with other committee members to gain more idea. This skill would be helpful in the future as I had to communicate with others which improved my communication skills and also management skills.


LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences


I had started planning a few days prior to the event by researching and watch videos of the agenda and the person I was representing, working in free slots, etc which was a commitment in itself. Being committed to something is always a difficult task but because I was interested in this event I had no problem with committing to anything and also I enjoyed working with my committee  during the event. Usually, it is easy for me to commit things when it comes to the one that interests me just like this event.


LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively


This overall session or committee was based on working as a team. Working with others is generally easy for me because I enjoy working with others and this goes for this event as well. Without, working collaboratively we would not have been able to put our points forward. During the event, working collaboratively has helped us in showing our strength and unity.


LO7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions


I had been ethical throughout the event. This includes not arguing with the chair person and not abusing or using slang language for other committee members while in a debate.


To conclude, the event was a huge success and everyone who had attended the event had enjoyed a lot. Also, I was happy that I was able to use our classroom learning in a practical way and contribute positively.

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