This lockdown made people very health conscious. I actually was health-conscious from the very start, I used to work out every day and eat right. This lockdown made me focus more on my health, I started doing daily proper workouts and even participated in a 30-day challenge. My routine to workout in the morning at 6 am and then sometimes in the evening at 6 pm. I every day try new techniques, and focus on different parts of the body and muscles, like 1 week lower body and then on the upper body. I especially worked on the techniques that I felt were difficult, I every day worked on them and made it easier for me. Sometimes I get bored working out alone, so I just play good energetic songs and then I do it with more fun.


Home workouts did help me identify my own strengths and weaknesses. I was able to know that I need to strengthen my core muscles or work on which part of my body to have a fit body. I usually did a full-body workout and identified which exercises were difficult to do for me and why. It is important to know your weaknesses because then only you can reflect on it, by improving on it. Overcoming the weaknesses are beneficial in the future as I just get better and better, working on it.


There were some workouts which were exhausting, and completing those workouts was a challenge for me. For improving my stamina I had to complete those workouts, and if I would have left them the time I took out for the workouts might not have been that effective. Another challenge which I faced was that sometimes I did some exercises in the wrong way which caused pain in some of my muscles. Those pains did not go for weeks and one day I even had to consult a doctor. To overcome these challenges, I first thought about what mistake I was doing, and I noticed that I did the exercises very fast and not properly. So corrected my mistake.


Workouts are something that should be a part of your lifestyle, is what I think. For making it a part of my lifestyle I had to be committed to getting up early and doing a workout, because the rest of the day was consumed in studies. It was not easy to everyday wake up at 6 am and do the workout, but I did, I pushed myself and got out of my comfort zone. It helped me be more active throughout the day and doing it in the morning made me feel fresh.


CAS helped me be committed to making my health better and improve my stamina. I can now do those exercises which I found were difficult for me. I am more active than before because of doing workouts, and also don’t feel tired often. Workouts are now a part of my lifestyle, and I don’t like missing it on one day as well.

Below pictures are a screenshot of the app which I used and shows my progress for a 30 day abs workout challenge. Where I worked on my core part.

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