I have not always been a sporty person, however, in the period of lock-down due to Covid-19, I felt the urge to stay fit and safe in whatever way possible. Hence, I thought of working out at home. Due to my lack of knowledge in this field, I searched online for monthly plans that I could follow and I found one of Adidas. The plan was specifically for beginners, so I chose it and started.The workouts had repeated exercises however with varied timings to help me increase my stamina gradually.
LO 1 : Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth
- As I mentioned, I had never properly worked out before, let alone follow a plan and do it for 3 months. So, every day and every exercise felt like a challenge to me at first. When I first looked at the plan, I didn’t even know how to perform half of the exercises, but I have always been a fast learner and hence I caught up quickly. I realized that my strength was the leg exercises that included jumping jacks and forward lunges. However, I realized that my weakness was doing the exercises that required me to put a lot of stress on my core, like knee-push ups and squats. I started working on my core, I started eating healthy and also meditating every night to clear my mind.
LO 2 : Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process
- Working out itself has been a challenge for me. I am a big foodie, however, I kept the unhealthy and junk food to a minimum in these days. Waking up everyday and immediately working out was challenging. In the first week, I felt really tired after working out as it was sudden exertion on my body, however, as the days passed my body became more flexible and I myself started feeling very positive and good. A skill that I honed was my concentration. While doing a plank, concentration is key, without which one usually fails. My progress was clearly visible as earlier I couldn’t even hold my plank for 20 secs, but gradually it increased to about 3 minutes. I just wish that I had started working out sooner, then I would have been able to focus on all of my tasks without getting distracted easily.
LO 3 : Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience
- Although the whole plan was provided to me, it was up to me as to at what time of the day to follow it. I have a problem with following schedules and timetables, but I tried my best to follow this 4 week workout plan. I researched online regarding the best time to workout, morning. Having struggled with waking up early since years, I found this to be a good opportunity to wake up early and utilize my time effectively. I then made a complete timetable writing the days, time and exercises to be done. This helped me immensely as everything was ready and organized. Also crossing each day kept me motivated to complete the challenge.
LO 4 : Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences
- When I started the challenge, I was not sure if I could stick through the end. I assumed this would be another one of my failed attempts at being fit. I am still surprised today how I stuck till the end. In the first week when I was unable to do the plank and knee-push ups, I felt like quitting and I was quite sure that this wasn’t for me. But my mother motivated me and frankly forced me to keep working out in order to stay fir in such harsh times. I stuck to the plan for 4 whole weeks and did not even miss a day, however I wish that I had also stuck to the timings that I had finalized.
All in all, I am glad that I completed this challenge. Apart from coming out as fitter, I have better concentration, focus and stamina. The learner profiles that I demonstrated where risk-taker and balanced.SDG – Good Health and Well Being.Evidence –