Flame University Summer Program (SIP)

During the summer break of 2020, I had enrolled myself for the online summer immersion program offered by Flame University. The program had offered me the opportunity to learn various topics through a liberal approach. The program would also give me the opportunity to explore the field of liberal education as well as help me to make a decision for my further education. There were aims and expectations that I had by attending the programs. Firstly, the aim was to increase my knowledge in new subject areas as well as deepen my knowledge on subject areas that I was already well acquainted with.

LO2 : Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

During the program, the biggest challenge for me were the sessions on the subjects in which I had minimal Interest. The subjects where I had minimal interests were computer science and essay writing . To overcome this challenge, I found out ways to make the session more interesting by engaging more with the teachers and fellow students.

LO4 : Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

I needed to be committed towards my attendance during the programs so that I could make the sessions most fruitful. However it was not easy for me to stay committed towards my attendance as the program was during the summer breaks. Also, the program were organised online through google meet sessions which also made it difficult to stay committed since there were many distractions and I had issues such as Internet connection.

LO5 : Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

During the sessions, we were assigned various group tasks such as making presentations. Working collaboratively in this scenario was quite difficult since we used only online sources to communicate as well all the students were very diverse in their opinions and interests. However, Communicating with others was important because the programs were conducted in a liberal approach, which means working collectively with people who have diversed opinions to minimize conflicts, and working together would make the sessions more fruitful.

LO6 : Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

In the sessions, two issues were discussed and were taught to use by professionals in the respective fields. One of the issue was gender misconstructs and stereotypes and the other issue was climate change and its effects on sea turtles. Increased knowledge about the topic helped me understand what are the small steps that an individual can take to make a difference, and more importantly, how our actions create an impact.

Throughout the course of this program, I have gained knowledge in various topics, developed an interest in various topics. In addition, I now understand how liberal education works and ow to view every issue and topic through a liberal approach to reach to better conclusions



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