
I have always wanted to be in good shape but was never working out due to my daily schedule.

LO2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process
This was the first time I was ever working out therefore too much pain after the workout. Time was a big issue for me at this point of time as we have online classes going on with tests and IAs to do.

LO5. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively
This workout which is of a 20 min each day has helped me burn unnecessary fats. Finding time for the workout every day helped me improve my time management skills. I have now improved my health and have started to feel fit, working out has swiped all the laziness in me.

LO4. Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences
There were some days where I definitely have skipped my workouts but the next day I had to force myself for a good cause. Each time I skipped my workout it was just laziness but then I did not stop working.

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