Global Odyssey (Food)

Global Odyssey was an event in school that is organized every year by the Business Management and economics team. So in the event in which we the students of Business Management and Economics tried to organize the stalls of Food, Fashion, and games. I was the part of food stalls and I had to bring chopped vegetables for the food items (tachos, tarts..etc) the event was on 5th February. In the event, the CAS strands that are covered were Creativity and Service. Service because 10% of the revenue generated from the event was donated. The learning outcome which I experienced were L1, L2, L5, and L7

L1:- I covered the learning outcome 1 as I identified the weakness of chopping vegetables which I need to bring to school for the event as it required very fine chopping which I didn’t know how to do.

L2:- I had the challenge to chop the vegetables because it vas very difficult for me to finely chop it. It took most of my time to chop because I had less experience in it so I took the help of my mom and sister to chop the vegetables which covered the L5 for teamwork and coordination.

L7:- I covered the L7 because I need to bring the raw materials and I was in food so which we also need to take care of the quality of the food and also the health of the kids as it was a school event so all the kids would be visiting the stalls and eating the food.

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