Dumas Cleaning

we decide to clear our environment with cleaning dumas beach and we set a goal that we will clean and we will spread awareness to people that throwing waste overhear and there and we completed our goal. we explained to them that if they throw wastes anywhere and not throw in dustbin then it pollutes the environment a lot and it makes disturbance to maintain the beach beautifully. And the people listen to that very carefully and by observing we think they will apply that all and if the maintain our awareness then after some months the beach can be more beautiful.

LO3- Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

we already planned that how to give information about trowing wastage and we also planned to clean the waste from the beach and other people also joined us to clean the beach by watching us and it was our plan to do so other people will attract it and help us. And our plan worked and it help’s people and they also got an opportunity to clean it.

LO5- Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

It helps a lot, to work in a group. so we all have cleaned the beach in 3 or 4 people’s group so it makes more easy and fast to clean the beach. And everyone puts their effort into spreading awareness to see the beach more beautiful in the future. And without a group, I don’t think so that it is possible to complete this goal.

LO6- Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

When we reach dumas beach so at that time we saw a lot of waste at whole beach and we can’t able to see the beauty of the beach so at that time we realize that because of waste many beautiful places in India are also don’t know by many people so we think that if there were a no waste then India can also be like other foreign countries.

LO7- Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

At starting when we were started to clean at that time no one joined us else our group so after spreading awareness everyone joined us to clean and we make a plan that to join others we need to spread awareness and it works.

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