I have been going to the gym for my personal fitness and flexibility and well-being. I train every alternative day for the past 4 months with a Gym Trainer, Mr. Akshay Patel

LO1 Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth.

When I started the gym I found out that I lacked on my strength to lift weights and I couldn’t run over 5 Km in one go, which I needed to work upon to make my self a fit and a healthy person, also I used to pass my time watching movies/video/video game, however now I pass my time in gym meeting new people and keeping myself fit.

LO2 Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

Time management was a big challenge for me as after school I had my back to back classes, so the only time left was after 8:30 PM or before 7 AM, I usually preferred 8:30 PM as after classes, the gym would be like refreshment for me. Through the period of 4 months, I developed my stamina, weights lifted through legs, cardio, weights lifted through hands and my overall body fitness.

LO4 Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.

I have gone to the gym for a continuous period of 4 months,1 hour 15 min every alternative day/4 days a week.


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