CAS Profile

Brahmatal 2019

Hola, I am Granth and I am currently a senior in Fountainhead, I have the full Diploma Course and my major subjects are Physics, Chemistry, Math and ITGS.

As a student I have interest in almost each and every subject and I have a wide range of options for me to pursue, from cooking to a programmer. I have many hobbies but my most favorite is to learn about technology and coding. I have started to complete few courses and started to do more, other than that I read about the impact of technology on the human kind in fact I have written My Extend Essay on E-Commerce. Other than coding , I am a blogger too. I write a blog where I share my opinions, and talk about simple yet complicated aspects of life. I love to cook both savoury and sweet food and try making it a bit healthier. Other than that I am a passionate a football fan (P.S. I only watch football and play fifa). Physics and technology really inspires me as physics talks about how the whole universe works and technology is currently running the world. I also like to study and get information about politics both national and international, in fact I have taken part in few MUNs and Co-Chaired on MUN.

My recreation activities consists of watching various movies on Netflix. I am a huge fan of films and I really like movies with a deeper message. My favourite genres are- Dark Humour, Comedy, Tragedy, Mystery, Drama and action. Other than that I like watching TV series, sitcoms and etc. I am an avid reader and I like reading both fiction and non-fiction books. Other than that I like to watch informative videos on various topics (space, wars and etc.)

I really motivated to study subjects that I truly like (physics), but I need a nudge so that begin the process and to continue it. I have improved and changed my perception about few subjects. I really like studying Physics but I am weak in the calculation part.

In the last 2 years I have started to work hard (Obviously Extend Essay and IB), and I have really made good progress in time management(For some reason my parents will not agree). IB has taught me how to manage time and get things done with perfection(I try).

I am excited and scared about my future but I surely look forward to the months after IB finals are done (cause I don’t know for how long a person can be sleep deprived).

My future plan is to complete my bachelors in b tech in computer sciences from either India, United States or Canada. My other goal is to have new experiences.

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