
After lockdown started I decided to start learning coding as part of my cas experiences. I did this because coding was a very valuable skill to have and that it could help me in the future. By doing this I covered these learning outcomes:

Lo 1:

I started to learn coding online as during quarantine I wanted to develop a new skill. Once I started to learn I discovered that I was very quick to learn it. However, I also noticed that I got distracted from the task at hand very quickly. I always switched tabs and started watching videos on youtube or something else. This is something that I have to improve.

Lo 3:

Due to the lockdown because of covid-19 I had to stop many of my activities such as basketball as it was no longer possible. Hence, I decided to look for new experiences which I could do and found learning coding to be the best choice. This is because in the digital age coding is a very important skill to have and I noticed that  learning this skill could help me in my business in the future.

Lo 4:

Learning coding was not an easy task, as it is very complex to learn. However, since the start of lockdown I started a course on coding and am still doing it. There were many times where I wanted to quit but I decided to push myself and continue doing it.

Lo 7:By doing this online course on coding they had a no plagiarism policy. This meant that all work that I submitted had to be my own and I could not copy from someone or get someone to do my work. By staying ethical is the only way that I would truly learn this skill.

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