Dance (Farewell)

Experience: Dance (Farewell)

Strands: Creativity, Activity

I have been doing dance for a long time as it is one of my interests. I, therefore, decided to take up the opportunity to dance at our seniors’ farewell which was organised by our batch. Volunteering to dance will be a way of enhancing the skills that I already have. 


We decided to dance on 3 to 4 songs where we would try to become as creative as we can by this form of expression. I feel that I was initially shy as we had to perform in front of a huge audience and have some stage fear. However, over the time I felt more comfortable doing dance as the group got along and we had fun during the process. I feel that I was proactive as I never missed any early-ins arranged by the coordinators. My strength was that I have been doing dance since I was a child so the steps, stamina and rhythm were not a problem. 

LO2, LO3 and LO5

As much as I enjoyed dancing, I also came across a few challenges. I found it difficult to catch up with the beats as some songs were slow and some fast. Waking up early was a task but to overcome the challenges I had to practice regularly and develop my skills by staying dedicated. I also struggled a little during partner dances as I had never done that before and coping up with each other’s speed was a thing to work upon. Both the partners had to stay organised and if one of us misses the session then the other suffers. I made sure that I plan meetings with my partner and cover-up. I discovered new skills by partner dancing and the final performance was worth the efforts. The process got way easier as the partner was my friend, so communication became easier and work was synergized. 

I feel more confident and open-minded by volunteering for the dance and was an amazing chance to overcome my stage fear. 




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