Internship (ASK EHS)

I did an internship at a firm, ASK EHS from 9th December 2019 to 21st December 2019. ASK EHS is a firm which provides consultancy to different firms about Environment, Health and Safety. There are different verticles in the firm like Training consultancy, Software, Animation, Scaffolding and Manpower. I got to learn about these verticles in detail in the internship. the LOs which were covered during my CAS experience are:

LO 1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

A strength I identified in myself was that I am quite good at business management and I have a greater knowledge about business so it became easier for me to understand the firm’s business model. I got to know more about their firm, which extended my knowledge.

LO 2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

There are still many things I need to learn and new skills that I need to develop. Through this internship, I developed time management skill as it was challenging for me to organize myself in such a way that I was able to do the internship and manage my school timings at the same time.

LO 3 – Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

This CAS experience wasn’t suggested to us by anyone else. My friend and I thought of this idea on our own and planned this experience by ourselves. During the planning and execution of this experience, I learned self-management skill.

LO 4 – Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

I needed to have the perseverance to complete this CAS experience. I had to regularly go to the firm without missing any of the sessions or else I wouldn’t be able to achieve my aim.

This CAS experience taught me many different things like self-management and time management skills. To have perseverance and how different business models and their pros and cons. I developed learner profiles like Inquirer and Communicator through this experience.


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