Global odyssey.

This was an occasion identified with group 3 subject that is  Business Management. This occasion was named Global Odyssey. We were separated into various groups and were given different activities. There were various groups representing different activities like entertainment (fun), food, fashion, etc. I was a part of the fun and entertainment group, where we were meant to engage the guests through intriguing games like Ring the partner, tic tac toe with a twist, etc. We had likewise expected to accomplish social work by giving the cash we had earned to an NGO.

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

This occasion wasn’t a simple activity due to this had a ton of mentally stressful work as being a part of the team leads to many responsibilities and work. Due to this event, I found out that I have a good skill in being with people and communicate with them clearly. This event also made me realize the importance of time and how procrastination of things just leads to problems at the last minute.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

Since our team was responsible for designing fun and entertaining activity for a whole occasion, we had a great amount of work and stress within the group. I personally had never done this kind of work which included designing games for entertaining people. The challenge here faced by us was to design games in such a way that people of each and every age group could enjoy the activities that were present. Another challenge was to make games at low cost and also pricing for that matter as this was the first time for us to be dealing in anything like this, this was a great learning experience for next time.

LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

This event was one of the great examples where we saw that working in groups lead to comparatively less stress plus as we were working in groups there were a lot of ideas coming our way. Being in a team and working together also meant conflicts and working our way through them was a great learning experience for me.

The funds that were earned in the event were donated to the NGO – Frieds with tails that help in preserving and helping street dogs.

Closing, this whole experience was significant since it got all my book information to reality and gave functional exercises in an all-encompassing angle. This caused me to distinguish and create aptitudes inside myself and was an extremely productive encounter.

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