Flash Mob- Garba Fest

A few of my classmates had organized a Garba fest as their CAS project in which I went and also participated in a flash mob in which with a group we danced to parts of Bollywood songs choreographed by a few friends. As I enjoy dancing and was eager to participate in a school event organized by a few friends, I chose to be part of this activity. We practiced for the dances 2 weeks ahead of the actual day. I really enjoyed the time I practiced the dances with my classmates which can be considered an activity I did and also the actual day of the event was also really memorable as I bonded with a lot of people I didn’t really talk to and I recognized my talents of playing Garba and dancing. There were several learning outcomes I came across including a few learner profile attributes.

The learning outcomes I came across during my participation in this activity were LO1, LO4, and LO5.


During the practices of the dances, I did feel a bit awkward to dance in front of people as I was still new to the people surrounding me but as I started, day by day I felt completely normal and didn’t;t get that awkward feeling anymore and was very comfortable in communicating and in dancing. This made me realize my weakness of taking time to blend in with new people but also I did do it at the end which did make me feel proud of myself.


This CAS experience required perseverance and commitment as we had to come early for two weeks for the dance practices and along with that, we had many upcoming tests. However, I still made it through showing commitment to this activity which now I feel very good and pleased about.


As this activity included many other of my classmates, I had to work collaboratively with them. Usually working together with people does make me feel a bit uncomfortable but this time I bonded with everyone very quickly and I did make new friends. The people with me made me feel very comfortable and I also did learn a lot by working with others. 


To conclude, the learner profile characteristic I achieved during my involvement was being a communicator as I was communicating and learning with the help of others. Overall, this activity was really enjoyable and I am thankful to my friends for organizing such a great event that has helped me in many ways.

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